Facts About "The Shawshank Redemption" You Probably Didn't Know - The Delite
Facts About “The Shawshank Redemption” You Probably Didn’t Know

There Was An Issue With Jake Eating A Maggot

One of the most famous characters from the book and movie, other than Red and Andy, was Brooks. He was taking care of a baby crow named Jake until he was strong enough to fly. And Jake has a great introduction scene when Andy finds a maggot in his food and gives it to Brooks after he had asked the newer inmate, “Are you gonna eat that?” Of course, they wanted to keep it in the film. But the American Humane Association stepped in. It was considered animal cruelty to the maggot for it to be fed to a crow. Eventually, the filmmakers found a maggot that had died of natural causes to feed to their crow.