Horse Keeps Hugging Woman - When Doctor Looks At Ultrasound He Calls The Police - The Delite

Horse Keeps Hugging Woman – When Doctor Looks At Ultrasound He Calls The Police

People think that horses have a sort of sixth sense, giving them the ability to sense things that other animals can’t. Such as emotions, or maybe even something just hidden. This hasn’t exactly been proven, but there are some spectacular horses out there. Such as Keola. That’s the name of the horse who began react strangely when their owner got pregnant. Here’s that story.

Jolene Jonas

The woman’s name is Jolene Jonas. Although, there aren’t any pictures of her available, in order to help her maintain her privacy. Jolene and her husband, Ricky, had been trying to get pregnant for a long time. And when she finally did, it seemed as though it was a miracle. That is, until Keola suddenly started acting up.

Keola’s Reaction

However, as Jolene’s pregnancy progressed, Keola, their horse, began to react strangely. Keola would randomly hug or lick Jolene’s belly. The married couple didn’t know how to react to all this, so they tried their best to ignore it. They couldn’t have guessed what the horse was trying to tell them.

Progressing Pregnancy

The pregnancy was progressing just fine otherwise. That is, until the 25 week mark. Then, Jolene began complaining about bad back pain. She couldn’t even walk it was so bad. Ricky took Jolene to the hospital to see their doctor, who called for an ultrasound. But what the doctor saw was so shocking, he immediately called the police.

How Did We Get Here?

Let’s take a look back at the relationship between Jolene and Ricky to see how we got here. The pair have been together since they were 16, eventually getting Keola sometime after they were married. Their relationship wasn’t perfect, but no relationship is. But Jolene started to feel as though something was off. It was something that had been bugging Jolene since they had first met.

Ricky’s Past

Despite being together for years, Ricky was still rather cagey about his past. This started to worry Jolene. Ricky would explain that he didn’t have a family anymore and that it just hurt to talk about. But was it truly so bad that he couldn’t share this knowledge with his partner? Well, Ricky says he just wants to forget it all.

Ten Years Together

Jolene began to simply accept that this was just the way Ricky was. She couldn’t get him to open up about his family, but at least she didn’t seen anything else wrong with him. About ten years into their relationship, they decided to get married. Jolene expected to get the opportunity to finally meet some of Ricky’s family members, but their complete absence was even more surprising. Perhaps it wasn’t too surprising, but Ricky had only invited friends to the wedding. To her disappointment, Jolene would not have the opportunity to meet any of Ricky’s family members.

Getting Pregnant

Of course, the next step the couple took was trying to expand their family. However, after several months of trying, they still couldn’t get pregnant. Not knowing what the reason behind this could be, they decided to go see a doctor to help. The doctor did some tests, but after a few days the doctor ominously told them to come back to the clinic.

Some Good News

Fortunately, there was nothing to be worried about. The doctor informed them that they were perfectly healthy and that there was nothing that would be preventing them from having a baby. As a matter of fact, a week later, Jolene was pregnant! Everyone was happy to hear the news. Except for one member of the family.

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